augmented reality – Wepitch
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Augmented Reality

Augmented reality refers to an upgraded, immersive form of a tangible setting created by integrating digital visual aids, sounds, and other sensory inputs using holographic technology. AR typically encompasses three primary components, including a fusion of physical and digital worlds, real-time interactions, and precise 3D recognition of both virtual and actual objects.


Next-gen social media services

Augmented Reality

An argument is a form of discourse in which individuals present their opinions and reasons for those opinions in order to persuade others. The concept of reality is a central component of many arguments, as people often argue about what is real and what is not

Virtual Catalogue

Catalogue is an Augmented Reality solution that is designed to present your product, whether it be from a mobile application (APP) or from a web page (webAR).

AR software

These are the tools and applications used to access AR. Some businesses can create their own form of AR software.

Artificial intelligence

Most augmented reality solutions need artificial intelligence (AI) to work, allowing users to complete actions using voice prompts. AI can also help process information for your AR application.

Augmented Reality Business Card

The use of virtual business cards has become increasingly popular in recent years, and there are arguments for and against using them in place of traditional physical business cards.

Augmented Reality Restuarant Menu

The use of virtual restaurant menus has become increasingly popular, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are some arguments for and against using virtual menus in place of traditional physical menus.

Our Offerings

“Grow your online presence with our social media services”

Service Offerings

  • Augmented Reality
  • Virtual Catalogue
  • Augmented Reality Business Card
  • Augmented Reality Restuarant Menu

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